Doing what it takes.

I am beginning to wonder –if I was crazy way back when in my early days when I did what it takes TO GET THE BUSINESS and make my name.

If you are a seasoned pro and have all the business you want and making big bucks then by all means- say no. 

When I began my business- I dragged my kids to job sites if I needed to do a quick check on something or drop a thingy or two off ( yes I was a delivery person too 😂) I met people on Saturdays, evenings I did not have my kids, whatever it took to make it work as a single mom. Because attending kids events during the day at school and sports was my priority. 

So call me a dinosaur if you like- but a strong work ethic and an attitude of service will get you far- even today.

No clue how long many of you have been doing this for a full time-support yourself and family type of deal- but let me say this- times have been good. Not even bad for many design firms now with Covid.


Count on some rough times ahead.

Make your reputation NOW. Set the tone for your business NOW. Because when things go to shit- those who conduct their business with an attitude of service and a “I got this” for higher end clients who will still have the $ to spend will rise to the top. 

I say this simply because over and over I see newish designers talking like it is all about YOU. And to be successful long term you need to make it about your clients and what you can do for them. Then all these posts about clients shopping them or arguing over pricing or whatever will be non existent. 

It takes work to be successful and a wise person will remember this.

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall

80% of success is just showing up.

So yeah go on the appointment- make her LOVE you by solving her problems. Make her think she cannot even go to Target and buy a bath rug without the input of her designer because she values you THAT MUCH. Then all of the issues with timing and possibly $ – go away.

That is the time you make sure she knows you need to be home by 5 or whatever- but will work on a mutually acceptable time to meet in future. AfTER she drinks the koolaid that is your brand promise. 

But hey. Maybe one’s goals are not to grow, have a larger team, 2 million in revenue, work with awesome brands on career high projects, be published in national mags and travel the world. It was and still is mine. 

Do what it takes. Make it happen.


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