Just say NO to Catalog decorating!

But why? Design trends and style historically are heavily influenced by society as a whole and what is happening in the world-and a response to how people are “feeling” about their lives. But in today’s saturated media onslaught of what is currently “in” and what some “tastemakers” dictate is the look du jour- ( think […]

The new super power: Hindsight

If only you could know today what you will learn tomorrow- Right? Planning a remodel- you need to read this! I have decided to decree the newest and most exciting superpower of all time to be: HINDSIGHT. This is the superpower I would bestow on all my clients. Because God love ’em, most need it. […]

How creative is Restoration Hardware design?

NOT VERY! Now I am just saying it once and for all: I am O-V-E-R all the Restoration Hardware burlap sack and rusty iron era of design. Old, torn, ripped, flour sack linen with french words all over them and rustier-the-better splintered tables….WHEN did we get this insane fascination for all things French especially their […]