Transform Your Home With These 2025 Interior Design Trends

Fall High Point Market Trends As interior designers, we’re always on the lookout for inspiring trends that will breathe new life into our clients’ spaces, and this year’s Fall High Point Market gave us a stunning preview of what 2025 interior design trends we’ll be seeing in the coming year. With a rich blend of […]
How to Choose the Perfect Kitchen Backsplash: 3 Essential Tips!

An interior designer’s guide to selecting a kitchen backsplash that meets your needs AND showcases your personality.
Follow these 3 Rules to Mix Vintage & Modern Like a Professional!

Say NO to catalog decorating! Seamlessly mix your beloved vintage and newly acquired modern pieces to create a timeless space that reflects your unique style and history. Here’s how!
The “Unexpected Red Theory”: How to Be Brave & Try It! Plus, Our 6 Favorite Shades of Red Paint!

Red is the “it” color of the season and according to a new trend, you can’t go wrong when adding it to your home, whether it is through red paint or decor and furnishings. It can be super impactful in design when used as an accent or even a bold all-over look and there is […]
What you need to know about choosing paint for your home- a must read!

Paint is Transformative- Choosing Paint for your Home I love making transformations with paint. It is the easy way to change your home’s attitude in a short period of time especially if you are handy! But if not, it can get expensive so please take a peek at our top tips for painting your home […]
Just say NO to Catalog decorating!

But why? Design trends and style historically are heavily influenced by society as a whole and what is happening in the world-and a response to how people are “feeling” about their lives. But in today’s saturated media onslaught of what is currently “in” and what some “tastemakers” dictate is the look du jour- ( think […]
The new super power: Hindsight

If only you could know today what you will learn tomorrow- Right? Planning a remodel- you need to read this! I have decided to decree the newest and most exciting superpower of all time to be: HINDSIGHT. This is the superpower I would bestow on all my clients. Because God love ’em, most need it. […]